Už pár dní na mňa čaká lampa a jej renovácia, ale vôbec sa mi do toho nechce. Namiesto toho som zobrala do ruky háčik a skúsila niečo nové. Korunka, moja prvá drobnosť pre malú Adélku. Ešte sme ju neboli pozrieť, čakáme na povolenie od rodičov. Tak som chcela aspoň zopár fotiek a korunka mala byť ako doplnok na fotenie. Jej tatino sa netváril, že by mal o korunku záujem. Tak je zatiaľ u mňa a ja neviem čo s ňou.
A couple of days the lamp renovation is waiting for me, and I am not able to start. Instead, I took crochet hook and try to crochet something new. Crown, my first trifle for little baby girl Adelka. We still have not see her, we are waiting for parents permission. So I wanted to see some pictures of her at least and the crown should be a beautiful decoration. Her daddy was not happy and was not interested in the crown. So it is with me and I do not know what to do with it
Večer som si dala zase rande s háčikom a urobila golierik. Použila som tenšiu bavlnenú priadzu, s kordonetom si netykám a filetové háčkovanie iba obdivujem. Golier nie je prišitý a tak sa dá použiť k šatám, tričku alebo k svetríku. Sama som zvedavá či prežije len takto navoľno.
I had a date with crochet hook this evening again and made a crochet collar. The thinner cotton yarn seemed to be a good choice. Collar is not sewn up to the cloth so can be worn to any clothes, t-shirt or sweater. I wonder weather collar survive as it is.
Lúčim sa s Vami s nádejou na slnečné a teplé počasie. Majte sa krásne.
I am linking to:
Be Inspired at Common Ground
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Fabulously Creative Friday at Jennifer Rizzo
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Fabulously Creative Friday at Jennifer Rizzo